What is this Blog About?

Hello... welcome to our BLOG!!! We are the 4th grade students in ALUMIMEDIAGROUP's 2011 enrichment program. Every day, we meet after-school to discuss current events and ways to communicate with our society. We learned the importance of self-expression, and how to communicate respectfully with our peers... we also focused on ways to share information efficiently and positively. We had so much fun using our laptops, learning about search engines, using email, taking pictures, writing creatively and meeting our deadlines! We hope you enjoy this collection of our thoughts and OPINIONS!

What Are Things You've Learned This Year?

Here's what stands OUT in our minds...

Mayas y Extraterrestres! (Maynas and Aliens)
(Video Submitted by Juliana)

Conspiracies About the Year 2012!!!!
(Video Submitted by Cristal)

Things about TSUNAMIS

(Video Submitted by Eduardo)

The Disaster in Japan

(Click Article, Submitted by Thomas)


(Click Article, Submitted by Karen)

"In Science, We learned about Volcanoes"- Thomas

The Mexican Revolution (Link Submitted by Cristal)

The Mexican Revolution

On November 20, 1910, Francisco I. Madero kicked off the Mexican Revolution by calling his countrymen to arms to topple the crooked regime of President Porfirio Diaz. Over one million Mexicans would die (including Madero) in the ensuing ten years of chaos and mayhem as powerful warlords like Pancho Villa and Alvaro Obregon fought over the fate of the nation.

What I learned in fourth grade is that a guy named Hernan Cortez conquered
The Aztecs and named Mexico to new spain and he built 21 missionaries and made
native Americans grow some crops and they didn’t pay $ to solders in days or
In years so some wanted to fight the Spanish people and at the end guess who won
Spain or New spain(Mexican people)?It was ………….. new Spain!!!!! 

- By Marten Paxtor

(Link provided by Melissa)

Tell us about a Happy/Sad/Scary Moment? WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS?

Cristal   de    la   luz-

One    of   my    happiest     moments     is   when   my    dad     bought     me     my      shoes.

One     of     my    scariest    moments      is     when  I   was   left    alone.

In   my    future  I   imagine   being   a   doctor.

My 4th grade thoughts: 

My  scariest moment is when I was alone in the house  and my mom was in the landry with my brotther and sister and I was hearing loud noises and I freaked out a lot .
My funniest  moment is  when it was the b-day of my brother and they told him to bite the cake and they squished him to the cake he  had a lot of cake all over the face .

-By Eliza


My 4th grade thoughts

1.     My scariest moment is when my dad was telling my mom to go out out of the house and never come back to the house. :-/
My happiest moment is when is when I  barely knew that I was going to be a brother and because I like to see little babys.

3.      I imagen that in the future I'm going to be a teacher to help  kids to  be smarter in the future and they could go to college and be smarter.

- By Manuel


My  4th Grade Thoughts
1.My most saddest moment was when I was playing and then they said that we had to go to the hospital. I asked why but they didnt tell me until we were at the hospital. When we got there they told me that my great grama is dying. And now when I pray I tel her I love her.

2.My most funniest time is when I saw a couple on a date at a resteraunt  and the guy farted!

3.I imagine my future as me being a young intelligent woman.

- By IIana


1. One of my sad moments is when my mom got arested and took her  at the police station to talk. :-/
2.one of the happiest  moment  is  when I whent to the fair with my friends.


Name: Karen Rivera
My 4th grade thoughts 
1.my scariest moment was when me and my sisters were playing around and we were also laughing, that happen in the night we got really scared because they told us shuuush!!!but we didn’t cared so we started laughing again and they scared us again they pull the drewers  and we screamed and my mom came running and told us what happen and we told her that just right know they scared us and then she told my stepdad to put AGUA BENDITA in our room.

2.my happiest moment was when I came out of school and then I went to my house my mom made us a party for me and my sister for el dia del nino  my mom call us and took us to our room and grabed a box and opened it and inside there was a little white puppy and finally we named him LUKE.

3.I imagine my future having a husband name angel V. I said that because right now I like him and I imagine me and him having 2 kids one a girl and another one boy and I am going to name the girl KAREN and the boy ANGEL.


Juliana Jacobo

1.     My scariest /saddest moment:

One of my scariest moments is when  I saw a movie that’s called It the Clown .He is one of the scariest clown I have ever seen because when he smiles his teeth get sharp like a shark.

2.     My funniest/happiest moment:

One of my funniest moment is when my sister was babysitting  a boy she changed his diaper but he was still not done peeing  so when she lift the diaper his pee went  flying  up in the wall. It
was realy funny because the pee was about  to touch my sisters face.

3.     How do you imagine your future ?

I imagine my future  having my deploma in my hands. When I get  my deploma I will get a great job like an acting class because I remember Mr.T told me in acting class that i act good.


Marden paxtor

1.my scariest moment:when I woke up I saw a white shadow that was staring at
Me for along time.I slept and never saw it again.

2.My happiest moment:when I got my play station 2 with a game that had 28
games inside the disc! I was so happy that I call my cousins.

3.Imagine my future: I think my future will have flying cars and are going to have better jobs and better things will have better foods than right now.


My 4th grade thoughts

my  scariest moment is when I was alone in the house  and my mom was in the laundry room with my brother and sister and I was hearing loud noises and I freaked out a lot .

my funniest  moment is  when it was the b-day of my brother and they told him to bite the cake  and they scwish him to the cake he  had a lot of cake all  over  the face .

- By Jennifer


My scariest /subject moment is when I am by myself in the night.

My funniest/happint  moment; my funniest moment is when my sister make me laugh.

Who do you imagine your future ;I imagine to  marry  with someone who is like me. :-)

- Karina

The School/World Thru OUR Eyes

Here is a Photo-Journalism Project. We took photgraphs of the areas on campus that we like and spend our time at BEST. Thanks for the cameras Ms Olivo (Our Director) :)

Junkfood NOT Allowed During School!!! :)

The Mural we see when we play...

NO ONE wants to come to this door (Principal's Office)

Jonathan and Marden= Buddies

Lower School :) (Cristal!)

Right Before a Dance!

The Playground Garden <3

Our  Computer cart! They hold the laptops we're using :)

Our Definitions- WHAT IS LOVE? FRIENDSHIP? ...

What's Love'? What's "Friendship'? What do some of  the most used and valued words mean to you? Here's what we think...

Lucas Hernandez-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

1.    I think love is friendship and it  is not the nasty word of love it is... and it is when   they're sick and you care about them...you don’t snich on them and they are always there for you.

2.     Friendship is when you care for someone 

Manuel Serrano

  1. A friend: defends you all the time

EX:my friend defended my by the bully

  1. Love is:  when you have a friendship

Ex:  we are both best friends forever.

  1. Respect is:  you behave good and follow directions
Ex:  I respect my teachers.

  1. Happiness is: The opposite of SAD.

Ex:the bully hit me and stole my money. I was not happy.

Love means to me is to care about other people like karina Juliana and my family.
Friendship means that people care about you and sometimes they do things that you don’t know about .
Respect means to me is that a people pay attentiton  to you or  teachers ,moms,dads,teachers and friends.
You could make people feel beter by  a kiss,o un abraso ,regalo o una sorpresa.

- De Jennifer  bejar cano  2011 

1.suprising means that when someone does something nice to you  .
Ex. My mom is taking me to glendale mall and it's suprising

2.love means  that you have a crush on a girl
Ex.i love my mom because she loves me a lot and me I like her a lot.

3. Respect means  I do wath  mr.leonerd  tells me to do.


Marden paxtor
1.friend:someone that cares about you
Ex:jonathan is a friend for me because he always cares about me.
2.love:when you take care of someone shows some love.
Ex: my brother shows me love when i got injured badly.
3.hapiness:when someone’s heart is happy and red
Ex:I felt happy when my heart was warm and red.
4.respect:when you treat others nicely.
Ex:my brother showed me respect when I got super sick.

Juliana Jacobo            
My Honest Definitions

1.Friend:   A Friend to me is a person that is always their for you.
(ex): My friend stood up to me when I was bullied.

2.Love:  What love means to me is that there is a relationship between a person together.
(ex):My friend has a person that loves somebody  that realy attractive.

3.Respect: What respect means to me is when you  obey someone.
(ex):I ALWAYS respect my mother at any time.

4.Happiess: Happiness means to me that you have a great time.
(ex):My friend had the happiest time because she went to six flags.

Thomas martin
                  My  honest  Definitions

1.friend: I think friends meands to trust someone.
Ex: someone told me a secret and I kept it.

2.love:I think love means to care someone.
Ex:My mom loves me.

3.respect:I think respect means to care someone.
Ex:My teacher is respect to me.

4.happiness:I think happiness means  less happy.
Ex:My brother sometimes hes less happy.

Eduardo T.
                                                                                 My honest definitions
1.Friends=Someone who is always there for you
e.x=My friend was there for me when I fell from the playground
2.Love=when you care for someone and no mater what happens youll still be there for someone
Ex=I love my friends because their always there
3.respect=When you pay attention to someone
Ex= Adults are respected by listening looking

Name: Iliana Mitchell
                                                                        My Honest Definitons
1.friend:a friend to me is someone who you can connect to.
Ex: “ We have so much in common!”
2.love:love to me is when two people like each other.

4. happiness=love and peace.

Cristal   de      LA        LUZ                    

1.FRIEND     IS    SOMEONE    WHO    CARES   ABOUT       YOU   like    my     friends     do.    They     defend   me          when    I        get     in     trouble.

2.Love is when a friends  cares  about   their  friends. They listen.

What's One Thing You Want to Change Next Year??? What do you Hope the Next Year Will Be Like?

Manuel Serrano

1. I want 5th grade to be more challenging and hard and to be a little bit more fun and with more activities so we are not bored in class.
2. When I am in 5th grade i  feel nerves because i will have a different teacher. It will be hard because they will show us different stuff than in 4th grade
3. I will change by paing more attention to the teacher!


I want my 5th class to be like; my teacher would always give us pizza party. I want her to her to be like (or he) to be cool and when we are doing the benchmarks she/he would give us the answers. But last but not least I would like her to be a woman to be nice and to give the attention to me!

1. When im in 5th grade I want it to be 1 strike then they get my attention and I will listen. I think I am going to be nervous and I am going to try to be funny. :)

Lucas hernandez
1 When im in 5th I want the teacher could be nice to the kids and to me.
I will change my behavior by not telling bad words to teachers or kids.
I wont hit students too.

Eduardo Teodocio
I want fifth grade to be kind of challenging and kind of strict because then they get my attention and I listen.

I am kind of nervous and kind of excited because I don’t know much of the people well. It would be like since I was a little kid, I want to meet new teachers.

Marden paxtor
I want 5th grade to be fun & cool and give a little bit of homework!

I am nervous because maybe the teacher will spell my name wrong!

I am a little bit excited because maybe the teacher will be cool & fun!

I will change my hair because they make fun of it!

This was from marden!

I want 5th grade to be fun by me not getting detention or  get in trouble . I WANT TO BE A GOOD, GOOD GIRL NEXT YEAR. GOOD GIRLS PARTICIPATE IN EVERYTHING AND DON’T GET IN TROUBLE.

- Karen :)

What's a subject that concerns you in YOUR Life? BULLYING.

Bullying is a topic that us 4th Graders decided was VERY important to discuss and try to understand. Here are some pictures and articles we foung through google to help you see what this looks like. Bullying can be from friends, family member, strangers, or anyone that wants to hurt your self-esteem. Our advice, always go to someone for help if you are threatened, try to express yourself through writing or other hobbies and activities, and realize that the bullies are the problem, not YOU. :)

Be a Buddy not a BULLY (Submitted by Marten Paxtor)

Kids Fighting pic (Submitted by Eddie)

SCHOOL BULLYING VIDEO (Submitted by Juliana)

"I think bulling is bad and I think the women should stop bulling"- Eliza

Jessi Slaughter's Cyber Bullying Nightmare (Submitted By Iliana)


CYBER BULLYING FACTS (Submitted by Manuel)

(Picture submitted by Marden)


BULLYING OR NOT? (Submitted by Jonathan)
Bullying or Not? is a film created by Dewey G. Cornell, Ph. D., Director of Virginia Youth Violence Project and made possible by Albemarle County Schools. It defines the different types of bullying as well as clarifies what is and is not bullying within those types. The video was filmed and edited by the students enrolled in the second and this year TV Production classes at Monticello High School in Charlottesville, Virginia taught by Nickel Lepchitz. The student actors were members of the drama class taught by Madeline Michel and students from Cale Elementary School.  


:) Enjoy our Special News Report!!

Introducing.... US!!! :)

Here we are in our enrichment class; Every day we start off with a 'Projection". We stand in 'zero-position' and project our voices clearly to our audience... "How are we feeling today? What is something you'd like to share with us?" These projections have helped us become ore confident in front of our peers and with ourselves!


Jennifer Cano, Cristal De La Cruz, Karina Estebez, Elisa Estebez, Lucas Hernandez, Julianna Jacobo, Tanya Lopez, Jonathan Martinez, Thomas Martin, Iliana Mitchell, Marden Paxtor, Karen Rivera, Manuel Serrano, Eddie Soriano, Eduardo Teodocio.