What is this Blog About?

Hello... welcome to our BLOG!!! We are the 4th grade students in ALUMIMEDIAGROUP's 2011 enrichment program. Every day, we meet after-school to discuss current events and ways to communicate with our society. We learned the importance of self-expression, and how to communicate respectfully with our peers... we also focused on ways to share information efficiently and positively. We had so much fun using our laptops, learning about search engines, using email, taking pictures, writing creatively and meeting our deadlines! We hope you enjoy this collection of our thoughts and OPINIONS!

What's One Thing You Want to Change Next Year??? What do you Hope the Next Year Will Be Like?

Manuel Serrano

1. I want 5th grade to be more challenging and hard and to be a little bit more fun and with more activities so we are not bored in class.
2. When I am in 5th grade i  feel nerves because i will have a different teacher. It will be hard because they will show us different stuff than in 4th grade
3. I will change by paing more attention to the teacher!


I want my 5th class to be like; my teacher would always give us pizza party. I want her to her to be like (or he) to be cool and when we are doing the benchmarks she/he would give us the answers. But last but not least I would like her to be a woman to be nice and to give the attention to me!

1. When im in 5th grade I want it to be 1 strike then they get my attention and I will listen. I think I am going to be nervous and I am going to try to be funny. :)

Lucas hernandez
1 When im in 5th I want the teacher could be nice to the kids and to me.
I will change my behavior by not telling bad words to teachers or kids.
I wont hit students too.

Eduardo Teodocio
I want fifth grade to be kind of challenging and kind of strict because then they get my attention and I listen.

I am kind of nervous and kind of excited because I don’t know much of the people well. It would be like since I was a little kid, I want to meet new teachers.

Marden paxtor
I want 5th grade to be fun & cool and give a little bit of homework!

I am nervous because maybe the teacher will spell my name wrong!

I am a little bit excited because maybe the teacher will be cool & fun!

I will change my hair because they make fun of it!

This was from marden!

I want 5th grade to be fun by me not getting detention or  get in trouble . I WANT TO BE A GOOD, GOOD GIRL NEXT YEAR. GOOD GIRLS PARTICIPATE IN EVERYTHING AND DON’T GET IN TROUBLE.

- Karen :)

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