What is this Blog About?

Hello... welcome to our BLOG!!! We are the 4th grade students in ALUMIMEDIAGROUP's 2011 enrichment program. Every day, we meet after-school to discuss current events and ways to communicate with our society. We learned the importance of self-expression, and how to communicate respectfully with our peers... we also focused on ways to share information efficiently and positively. We had so much fun using our laptops, learning about search engines, using email, taking pictures, writing creatively and meeting our deadlines! We hope you enjoy this collection of our thoughts and OPINIONS!

What Do You LIKE? What Are You Interested In???

Just some of the things we're into right now... what are you into???

Dragon Ball Z!!!!
(Video Submitted by Marden)

Bloody Mary! (Submitted by Jonathan)

Upside Down by Jack Johnson! (Submitted by Eliza)

Usher Ft Pitbull Side to Side (Submitted by Eliza)

Artist 50 Cent (Video Submitted by Eliza)

Katy Perry and Rhianna! (Suggested by Karina)

Lemonade Mouth- Here We Go

(Link and video submitted by Eduardo)

GOKU (Submitted by Manuel)

Scream 4 Movie (Submitted by Karina)

Battle LA Movie (Submitted by Manuel)

The Movie Titanic (Submitted by Karina)

PIZZA! (Submitted by Jonathan)

DBZ (Submitted by Jonathan)

My Culture! (Submitted by Manuel)

Peace and LOVE! (From All of US)

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