What is this Blog About?

Hello... welcome to our BLOG!!! We are the 4th grade students in ALUMIMEDIAGROUP's 2011 enrichment program. Every day, we meet after-school to discuss current events and ways to communicate with our society. We learned the importance of self-expression, and how to communicate respectfully with our peers... we also focused on ways to share information efficiently and positively. We had so much fun using our laptops, learning about search engines, using email, taking pictures, writing creatively and meeting our deadlines! We hope you enjoy this collection of our thoughts and OPINIONS!

What's a subject that concerns you in YOUR Life? BULLYING.

Bullying is a topic that us 4th Graders decided was VERY important to discuss and try to understand. Here are some pictures and articles we foung through google to help you see what this looks like. Bullying can be from friends, family member, strangers, or anyone that wants to hurt your self-esteem. Our advice, always go to someone for help if you are threatened, try to express yourself through writing or other hobbies and activities, and realize that the bullies are the problem, not YOU. :)

Be a Buddy not a BULLY (Submitted by Marten Paxtor)

Kids Fighting pic (Submitted by Eddie)

SCHOOL BULLYING VIDEO (Submitted by Juliana)

"I think bulling is bad and I think the women should stop bulling"- Eliza

Jessi Slaughter's Cyber Bullying Nightmare (Submitted By Iliana)


CYBER BULLYING FACTS (Submitted by Manuel)

(Picture submitted by Marden)


BULLYING OR NOT? (Submitted by Jonathan)
Bullying or Not? is a film created by Dewey G. Cornell, Ph. D., Director of Virginia Youth Violence Project and made possible by Albemarle County Schools. It defines the different types of bullying as well as clarifies what is and is not bullying within those types. The video was filmed and edited by the students enrolled in the second and this year TV Production classes at Monticello High School in Charlottesville, Virginia taught by Nickel Lepchitz. The student actors were members of the drama class taught by Madeline Michel and students from Cale Elementary School.  

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